May 7, 2009

Our Adventure Begins...again

5 years ago today, Mark flew in for the first time-first time to meet and Mark's first time to fly. He stayed from Friday-Tuesday. What a weekend. In the event you don't know the turn was a great success! So good in fact, Mark flew back the following weekend.

While he was here, I wanted to take him to do things he's NEVER done before. We went to the beach and watched the sun rise. We went to Waffle House (he still hasn't recovered), took him to a Mormon church and Monday we went to Orlando to ride roller coasters at Islands of Adventure. If you look close, can see the wall behind us says "The Adventure Begins" and boy were they right!
This is a super cute picture of Mark as a baby. I love this face! He was a little warm, so he went for a swim. That's where you'll probably find me all summer long!

Here I am at 3 months. I was born in parents were getting me all ready to see Santa. Can you tell this picture was taken at K-Mart? Their pictures always changed colors.

Here is Baby Gentle...and if you know us, you know that baby is giving it's first high-five!

Introducing Mark Joseph Gentle, III. Our little man was quite the modest dude today but we did get a little view of his little outdoor plumbing.

Little Marky was face down, so we didn't get a shot of his sam eagle. They are having us come back for a second ultra sound next month to check him out again. Mark and I are SO thrilled to be preparing for a son to join our family. This is certainly where our adventure begins again!


Kim Jarvis said...

YAY! Congratulations, Casey and Mark! I really am so excited for you guys! Unfortunately, I don't have anything that I can pass down - guess that means its time for me to go shopping for blue!

Jessica Chalmers said...

Yeah, our boys will be in nursery together!

Katheryn said...

That is wonderful! Boys are so much fun! Now the wait is on to see who he looks like most! Can't wait to meet the little guy :)

mrsarmogansclass said...

Oh, Casey...I just knew the Lord would bless you and Mark and now here it is...the adventure :) From conception on these little miracles are the adventures of a lifetime and worth every second. I LOVE you girl and I just know with every piece of me that you and Mark are already GREAT parents and are going to give Little Mark the world ;)

Deanna said...

YAY! Boys are so much fun (and they love their Mommies!)! We are so excited for you two! What a lucky little dude!!!

Shauna said...

Adventure, indeed! I am so excited for you. I loved raising my boys (most of the time)

Erin said...

YAY! Congrats on joining the BLUE TEAM! Little boys are so great, I know you will love having a son! Congrats on the "begining" of this new adventure!
PS Love his name - our Jake is actually Jason Alexander the II.

Amanda and Steve said...

Hurray! You'll be a great boy mom!

Kelly said...

WHooo Hooo! What a Happy Day! You will be the Perfect Boy Mom! So Fun and Happy! I can't wait to see the little Man!
He is one lucky fella!

Michelle said...

Yeah! Congrats!!