Jun 1, 2010

Feeling Anxious

When I was 12, I didn't want this time of year to come. I never wanted to go to Girls Camp. I knew it would awful. Well, then I fell in love with it: the feelings; the atmosphere; the sisterhood; the SPIRIT!

I have only missed one year of camp, and that was because I was on my mission. In fact, I even received my mission call at camp! It was super cool--LDS Movie cool, if you ask me.

I now have an official calling in the camp program. I reluctantly said yes because the spirit. My anxious feelings come with making choices for my sweet baby. Marky is still nursing. In my head, I was going to be fine putting him on formula. However, I have decided to change my diet, Mark has changed his diet and I'm thinking we want the same for our baby. And let's face it, I'm not sure I'm willing to stop nursing yet. So how do I leave him home for the week without enough milk? When I pump, I express maybe 1-2 oz. Now, I could sneak him with me (without permission) but I'm not sure that's what is best for him either. When he gets hot, his eczema gets worse. Then you add the bugs with a little dude and that's not very nice either. I have a friend that lives 10 minutes from camp (seriously) who kindly offered to keep him during the day for me and she would bring him to me at night. Which is beyond sweet...but I don't want him to feel abandoned. All of this is making me feel anxious and unsure I've made the right decision. Help me OB1 Kenobi, you're my only hope!


Amber Miskin said...

Casey, I wish there was an easy answer. Truth is, thee isn't a "right" answer. Obviously you were given the calling for a reason, but at the same time your little one needs the best. If you want to continue nursing, you also should think about the fact that a week on the bottle (if you don't have your friend bring him to you) could turn him from nursing and strictly to the bottle. Just a couple things to think about...and pray about! You and your family always come first, so don't feel bad if you end up having to say No this one time.

Nursing is one of the greatest things I've experienced as a mom, and it killed me when I had to stop because of multiple infections last summer. It's a tough choice; make sure you do what you will feel ok with all through the week, and especially when you come home.

Katheryn said...

I really feel for you too. I loved nursing so I can understand completely not wanting to give it up. I wish there was someway I could help! Just keep praying. I know you'll come up with the best solution!

Shauna said...

Camp will always happen. You can go again and again. Little Mark, however, will only be this age ONE time.
There are others who can go to camp, but no one else who can nurse and care for your baby like you do at this time in his life.
You know I LOVE camp, also and totally understand your anxiety, but I would say, thank you for asking, however, this is not a good time. Ask me another year, please.
You can say no to Camp for one year.

The Sorrell Family said...

I ditto Shauna, but ultimately, Follow your heart! Love you girl and know you will do what is best.

Mandi said...

Casey, I love you and you are such a great momma! Don't forget that your prayed before you accepted the call and you felt like it was the best decision then. You were freaked out but you even talked Mark into you needing to go because you felt so strongly that you needed to go. Nursing is amazing and you do not ever get it back but if you prayed about it then and felt completely at ease about it then, remember that now and do some more praying. Remember that Heavenly Father knew then that your new life style was going to happen and still wanted you. If it really is a deal breaker and you are not going to be able to enjoy camp anyway then you need to keep your bum at home. It is perfect to stay home and do what is best for your little man.

Amber said...

I have no opinion, shocking I know! You will do what's best because you are the best! Love ya!

Amanda and Steve said...

I say forget camp and stay with your baby. Or go to camp "part-time" if possible. Marky is more important and camp will be just fine. One week of camp isn't worth putting him on formula for. On another note, with my pumping experience, the more frequently I pumped the more milk I got. It's like my body had to get used to a new way of sucking. I pumped every day for a month when I was working and was getting good milk but when I quit work and only pumped occasionally I didn't get as much. So I now pump every night or every other night to keep my body used to the mechanical baby so I can work part-time. Do you have an electric pump? I don't know if that's better than a manual one. Also, a lactation consultant told me that Mother's Milk Tea (at GNC) can help increase milk supply. Maybe more milk would help with the pumping? I don't know too much about that but I do know that I need to pump on a regular basis to be successful. I'll sell you my frozen breast milk if necessary. ;-)

Amanda and Steve said...

One more thing. I was told by the same lactation consultant to pump for at least 5 more minutes after the milk seems to stop so the stimulation is still there. Maybe you already know this.

mrsarmogansclass said...

Oh, Casey! There's no one else I know that has as BIG a heart as you do :) I know what a big part of your heart camp holds, but I also know how how wholely your heart belongs to that little man of yours...and rightly so :) You are SO in tune with the spirit Casey and somehow you will ultimately know what is right for everyone involved. As hard as nursing was for Chandani & I it was STILL the HARDEST decision I've ever struggled with. I ultimately left it in Father in Heaven's hands and eventually what needed to happen did happen, I still cried for a week after I suddenly dried up like I did, so no matter the outcome it's still hard. I remember being SO worried that she would suffer from being on formula, worried I'd lose that bond with her, worried how it would effect me...but we survived and were stronger because of it. No matter what decision you make...just remind yourself it's in your Father's hands and that the outcome will be just as it should. I LOVE YOU!!