Jan 11, 2011

Does it REALLY fit?

Have I mentioned my awesome OB/GYN? We have a GREAT relationship. I went for my first official appointment. Did the normal bathroom cup fill, got weighed and was sitting there having my blood pressure taken when Dr. T came up behind me, grabbed me for a hug and said "CASEY!!!!" Then proceeded to grab my chart and ask her assistants "Which room is ours?" No "sit here while and the Dr will be right with you." We went, talked for a while and then she informed me she needed to do my "annual." So of course you have to strip down and wait under a sheet for them to come in to check all your mysterious lady parts. I always try to fold my clothes oh-so carefully, to keep my unders covered--you know what I'm saying.

In came the Dr and her assistant. She did my breast exam first. And we all (minus Nathan, if he's reading) know about those lovely breast exams, they really involve your breasts. Then as she is waiting for the speculum, she glances over at my pile of clothes and says "WOW! That's the biggest bra I've ever seen. Does it really fit?" And I reply that yes, of course it fits. I thought about it for a second and then I had to ask "didn't you just see and examine my chest? Are you really doubting the right fit?" She explained that it just didn't look like anyone could wear a bra that size. Which still makes me laugh. I said "once I get dressed, I'll show you what I got!" I got dressed and had to wait in her office for the ultra sound tech to come get me. As we're sitting there talking, her assistant walked in and asked "Did she show you her bra, yet?" I jumped up, showed the two of them and their responses were HILARIOUS. "wow, it really does fit!" and "kinda looks like it won't fit much longer."

Friends, I have a large chest. No apologies. Not even if they hit you or you hit them. But no mistake about it, my bra REALLY fits!


Amanda and Steve said...

That's is HILARIOUS! My OB/GYN visits have never been that fun. Maybe I should come with you to yours.

Mandi said...

You are so funny! I remember your wild search for a nursing bra. Yeah for a fun OB/GYN visit. Yeah for fun with "the neighbors"!

Heather said...

Oh Dr. T!! Love that office =)

The Sauls Family said...

LOL!! I feel your pain, girl.

Dave n' Kristi said...

Ha ha Casey, you always get me to laugh!

Kelly said...

Can you share a lil with me.. I could use just a lil!
You are one blessed babe!
Cant wait to play!