Mar 11, 2010


If you are one of the people at Wal*Mart, Target or Publix (the 3 stores I shop) that enter the exit or exit the entrance- I Hate you! I'm looking at you like you're a fool because you are. Just letting you know. When I look at you dirty, it's for one reason. You. Are. Dirty.

Can you tell I've been in some mood lately?


Laurel Shaw said...

The feeling is mutual. Although sometimes i have to hate myself cuz walmart in MB is backwards to me and i get mixed up. Opps!
I sent you an invite girl!

Unknown said...

Kennedy will usually say" hey that --Lady, guy, whomover-- just walked out/in the wrong door!"

I get bugged too, especially when they look at me like I am, along with my three kids, in their way.

Katheryn said...

That totally bugs me too. Hope your moods improves though. But with the help of your too Marks, I'm sure it will :)

Jessica Chalmers said...

I hate it too! I am always looking for the exit, entrance signs to make sure that I am not one of those people!