Jun 9, 2011

Birthday Party Scheduled

Today we scheduled our daughter's birthday, the day we get to meet our sweet baby girl, the day our family of 3 turns into a family of 4, the day the bows come out, the day we will celebrate the rest of our lives. WOW. Who knew scheduling your a surgery could be so thrilling?

Watch out July 15th, you are looking VERY exciting. :)

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Amanda and Steve said...

Hurray! About the leaking boobs, you're not going to have to wear breast pads to camp are you? Because that would be WAY too hot.

Katheryn said...

That IS so very exciting! Can't wait to meet her!

Jac said...

I CANNOT believe it's a month from now. SO exciting!!! I can't wait to meet her! :)

Kelly said...

Seems like you have been Prego for 3 years... I can't wait to see her. Wish I was around to hold her. kiss her and tell her Auntie Kelly Loves Her!

Amy's Button Boutique said...

I'm very excited for you!