Jun 30, 2011


I really have no problem with acceptable forms of PDA (public display of affection). Kissing is cute, holding hands, rubbing your spouses booty, etc. As long as the participants aren't down throats, doing things I'll have to really explain to my kids or relating on the scene, I don't feel it's my business. HOWEVER...I do find that putting your hands down your lady's butt at the grocery store is a little unsettling. It started as a soft little booty pat and some guy got the idea to put his hand down his lady's pants into her crack. This happened in about 3 seconds. And let's be honest, I couldn't help but wonder what all he had touched in the store after that. I left quickly. If you need your butt picked and you can't accomplish it from the outside, please don't do it near my groceries. :)

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Nathan said...

Um...gross...seriously that is so gross.

Nathan said...

Oopps - that was actually me Katheryn - I didn't realize it was signed in as Nathan!

that1gamer2know said...

Would it be OK if I put my own hand down my own pants? That isn't really a PDA cause I don't like myself that much sometimes.... just sayin

Amanda and Steve said...


Jac said...

Seriously, what is wrong with people sometimes?!