Jun 13, 2009

Girls Camp

I got back from camp yesterday. Wow, it feels great to be home, be clean, bug free and best of all, next to my husband!

This year I managed to keep my voice, make a bunch of new friends (since most of mine either couldn't attend or moved up to the "big leader" cabin), not do as much as usual (that was a promise to my husband and my baby in the womb) and not kill anyone with my "shockers."

Things I missed: of course my husband, my family, my sweet little bulldog Cami, chicken, smelling nice and I missed my camp sisters who couldn't be there. You know who you are! I missed you bunking with me, sneaking in the kitchen with me, going to the lodge to dance with me...you know how we do!

Those new sisters I met...I loved being with you! Can't wait to do it again and hopefully not be pregnant and putting someone else first. Cause then we'll have a REALLY good time! Thank you for sharing all the laughs, stories, food and fun.

Guess what I didn't do? I didn't take one SINGLE picture! Usually I hate camp pictures so I should know better than taking my camera. I know some who took pictures, so I'll have to beg them to send them over and post them.

Camp always reminds me where I found my testimony and all the love and sisterhood that is found out in those woods. And fudgesicles! I have a severe love for those girls. Each year I question why I would do that to myself and then I get my arms around those girls and realize my purpose for being there. Now you know why I go back year after year. Out of the last 18 years, I've only missed 1 year...and that was while I was serving my mission. I know if the Lord needs me there, He will get me there.

P.S. I'm making camp chicken enchiladas soon, if anyone would like to come by for some let me know! We'll make it a party! :)


Heather said...

Hey girl!! Thanks for making camp so much fun for me as the newby. You are a fantastic leader, and a wonderful person. So glad that we got to know eachother, it was a blast! Count me in for the chicken enchilada party, maybe I'll bring the fudgesicles this time =)

Stacy Pettersen said...

I MISS CAMP!!! I have not been since I moved out of West Stake. *tear*

There is nothing like Girls' Camp, and especially with you Casey... I was there that one year you missed, and it was just not the same!

Michelle said...

Chicken enchiladas? I wanna come!! :) And...I would LOVE to be at girls camp with you....you know how to make things rockin! it would be a blast!!

Amber Miskin said...

Wow! 18 years? I've only been once as a beehive, and never again. Glad you had a great time!

Unknown said...

Welcome home . . you joining us for a girls night tonight?

mrsarmogansclass said...

So...CHICKEN ENCHILADAS and FUDGESICLES???!!! I'm there, no question! I MISSED YOU LIKE CRAZY! This past week, but I have to say...if I had to miss Camp...I missed it for the BEST reason EVER! I thought of my 12 years at camp as a girl, JC, and leader and as I looked down at Chandani and her chubby-cheeked smile I could help but just bawl as I thought of her experiences at camp! Love you and your sweet hubby :) Having him over that night was a blast, but I know he missed him some Baby-Momma :)

Amber said...

So I miss you tons! And Josh misses you too, we both thought of you today. We love you. I know this isn't a camp commeny but hey can't I just say love ya.

Katheryn said...

Sounds like so much fun! Just name the time for the Chicken Enchiladas. You know me and Nathan love to eat!!