Feb 8, 2011

Baby Names

My husband obviously has great taste in women. I'm pretty sure that's where the great taste (or any taste at all) ends because his taste in music, movies, fashion, and now baby names...not the greatest. He wants to name this baby (if a boy) Zeus. I shot that down. He doesn't understand what's wrong with Zeus. But seriously, what is right it? Just so you know, Zeus is NOT on the list of names for our baby.

He told me to take it to Facebook and see what others thought. He said "I bet you'll be surprised at how many people actually like the name Zeus...I'm betting at least one third of your friends will shock you and love it." Well, in the event you didn't see it on Facebook (Amber), maybe 5 people liked it out of like 51 friends. And people had some hilarious things to say.

My husband's cousin, Troy, said "Just think of this..... what would Uncle Mark say about the names....... I can hear it now............'ARE YOU HIGH?!?!"

Biggest Mark always wins! So maybe I'll have to keep that quote in my back pocket. Naming Marky was so easy--it was done for me in 1956. Grandma Gentle did a great job.

Other names Mark loves: Chaos, Thor and Mayhem for boys and girl names: Evangeline, Victoria (not terrible but I can't see "Victoria's..." without seeing/hearing/reading 'Secret' to follow) and one more that we (thankfully) can't seem to remember.

{Side note: I went in the bedroom to ask Mark what his other girl name was, he said "why, so you can put it on Craigslist to make fun of it with all your friends?" Laughing, I said, "Yes, Craigstlist! It would read 'Free to a good home, terrible baby names."}

Man, no one told me this naming a baby thing was so hard on a marriage. ;)


Deanna said...

I thought Cory and I made some really hilarious additions to your list of 60+ comments. But that's just me. It handed us a good laugh! :)

that1gamer2know said...

So now maybe you understand why Jason and I didn't name Georgia until we were in the recovery room. And we didn't have crazy names to start. You could just let me name the baby.

Katheryn said...

Craiglist - that is just perfect :) Some of the comments really were hilarious. Good luck with the baby names. I know you'll find the perfect one!

Dave n' Kristi said...

My husband has given up and now just asks me what we are naming our kids as his names ALWAYS get shot down!

Amber said...

Your non facebook friend isn't a fan of Zeus but this coming from the one who named her daughter Zina and everyone calls her Zena! Josh and I are disagreeing on our future baby names as well and we aren't even pregnant or trying for that matter. lol