Feb 24, 2011

Hash Brown Emergency!

Don't you love one of those mornings? You know, you wake up puking (or just icky), you try to take care of your family and while making pancakes, your sweet child wants to join in while the pan is sizzling, so you carefully move him away, beg your husband to take him out of the kitchen just to have the glass bowl filled with pancake mix fall from counter and shatter all over? Then you get the honor of cleaning up the mess for the next 25 minutes making sure its ALL cleaned up. So at this point of starving, not wanting anything in the house, I called for a hash brown emergency! I walked out of the house exactly the way I looked waking up, plus a shirt and shorts (no bra, and still with gross breath) with little dude still in his jams. And McDonalds came to my rescue. Some days, you just have to be grateful for the little things...like hash browns.


that1gamer2know said...

Next time I will come over, make you pancakes, not forgetting to bring the hasbrowns, while you play with the Marks. It's the least I can do. PS - I love when you first wake up. I'm sure the people at McDonalds loved seeing you braless and little dude in his pajamy jams!

Katheryn said...

Yikes! What a morning! But at least you were able to look at the bright side of things - which is way more than I would have! I hope you don't have any more mornings like that!

Stacy Pettersen said...

So true... and sometimes it can be a pizza emergency in the evening!

Amanda and Steve said...

That looks delicious!

Amber said...

I'm so sorry but hashbrowns are yummy!

Mandi said...

Oh, that day is not worthy of a G.Y. I am sorry! At least you had the good old McDonald's that came to the rescue. Next time you should call and I can bring them your way. Hope your morning tomorrow is filled with G.Y's.