Apr 30, 2009

Ga-Goon, Ga-Goon?

Mark and I just got back from our OB appointment for the month. We finally got to hear this baby's heartbeat. It wasn't exactly like Patrick Swayze promised us (no one puts Baby in a corner). According to Mark, it was more like a little chugging sound. Hopefully this doesn't mean my child will have two left feet. Cause rhythm is pretty important for the child of Dance Machine!

The baby is low and to my left side. I've started feeling the baby's flutters. Some say you can tell what you're having by the heart rate. So I looked it up and it said if your baby's heart rate is over 140 it's a girl and if its under 140 it's a boy. Well, what if the heart rate is 140? I guess it will remain a mystery until next Thursday. Only 7 more days!!! Next week expect a whole lot of fun on this here blog! We'll let you know the sex, show pictures and possibly let you know his or her name!

And now, the real magic is starting...I just sneezed! And you moms know what that means.


mrsarmogansclass said...

YAY!!! First of all could I be more excited??? Secondly, Chandani's heartrate was at 140 as well so apparently our babies like to keep a mommy & daddy in suspense (LOL) Have you decided how you're going to tell your families the sex? It was a huge deal to us so as soon as we left the doctors we talked all the way home so we wouldn't be tempted to call anyone before we got home. Then we took our favorite sono pic and smacked it on a PINK "It's a GIrl" post card (thanks to Walgreens) and had then printed a few out so we could pass them out face down to all the fam and have them flip them at the same time to do the BIG reveal :) Ok, so it's a little over the top but when you've had to wait so long it's a given things will be outrageously overdone (LOL) Girl, we did it up "Mission Call" sytle!!! Can't wait to hear...

Kim Jarvis said...

Yes, we know what that means!
Can't wait to hear the news. All of mine had really fast heart rates, so I'm a believer!

Michelle said...

lol to the sneeze...i know exactly what it means! can't wait for the sex info...lol...you know what i mean.

that1gamer2know said...

You peed a little bit? Oh, it's such a magical time! Hey, ignore Carrie with all her great ideas about telling us the sex cause I'm showing restraint by not being at the doctor's office. You need to call me AS SOON as you know!! Actually, now that I think about it, maybe I'll need to schedule my appointment for next week on Thursday....... hmmmmmmm

Deanna said...

Hee hee... go change your panties. Jacoby's heartrate was always in the girlie range. Don't buy into the old wivestales. Wait until you see the junk. Hamburger. Hot dog. And, of course after Cassie and the rest of your family know, you better call me! I'll have some news for you too!!!

lorijolley said...

I am looking forward to it!

Amanda and Steve said...

Can't wait!

Katheryn said...

So excited!!! He/She is going to be so very very cute!

See you tomorrow at the shower! Remember, if you need any help with anything just let me know!

Jessica Chalmers said...

Can't wait to hear what the little one is!