Apr 13, 2009

Tag, I'm it and possibly you too

I've been tagged. Here are the rules:
1. Go to your documents/pictures
2. Go to your 6th file
3. Go to your 6th picture
4. Post it, and blog about it
5. Tag 6 people to do the same
6. Name your picture

This picture of me and Mark is from my family's office Christmas party in 2006. We went to the Alhambra Dinner Theatre and of course saw a Christmas Carol. They brought Santa out to take pictures. So he sat on the stage in his big chair. Our whole group wanted to get an office picture with him. We were all gathered around him and out of no where my tiny little mama decided she was going to sit on Santa's lap. So she jumped in his lap so happy and told him all the things she wanted for Christmas. It was SO cute! I'll have to find those pictures to scan in and post.

Now I have to tag 6 of you.... Cassie, Katheryn, Deanna, Amanda (Duet), Christina, Jessica and Shauna. I know that's 7 but that's a lucky number of mine!

Michelle, this was for you! Oh...maybe I should blog about Michelle, my MTC companion!


Michelle said...

ooh..I support it! Blog on baby, blog on....I'm waiting for it. :) Don't forget to mention the wonderful story of my beautiful hair barrett! :) lol

Katheryn said...

Definitely, we NEED to see pictures of your mom on Santa's lap. I think your mom is just the cutest!