Aug 6, 2009

Turkey Anyone?

Little Mark is quite the little butterball turkey! He is 4lbs 7 oz so far. He's in the 70th percentile. I'm measuring a little further along than we thought. Those things together, we might bring in the little guy around Sept 27th. He's just inching his way into our anniversary. I don't mind, as long as he comes safely. Maybe our anniversary will invite him out.

He had his hand balled up over his head as if he was rockin'. Obviously his father's son!

This is his sweet little face. He kinda looks like a Jack-o-lantern in the face shots since his eyes and mouth are blacked out. But he is sideways looks directly at us

This is what my family classifies as the "blow face prints." It looks like his nose and lips are pressed on some glass.

Another face shot with our little Mark-o-lantern, with his fist

It was so great to see our little man looking at us. His little cheeks were so chubby and cute and ready to be kissed. His lips were also puckered for kisses. I can't wait to get my hands on him. I'm sure he will be primed for cuddling close and lots of smooches. Those thoughts bring so many emotions and so much love into our hearts. We look forward to meeting him soon. But we'd like that little butterball turkey to be a little larger before he makes his grand entrance.


that1gamer2know said...

I can't wait to see him in person! I can't wait to kiss those lips and tell him how much I love him and how hard it has been to be patient in waiting for him. What a lucky little guy!! He has such a wonderful mother and is being born into so much love and happiness. Our family just isn't complete without him. What a joyous year for me!!!

mrsarmogansclass said...

I just can't believe he's almost here! When I married my sweet hubby I thought I truly understand what LOVE was...but these little precious miracle babies add a whole new dimension that I still can't fathom. The love you have for him already will only multiple times a million when you finally get to hold him and cry all over him when you tell him... "Mark, thank you for choosing me for your Mommy and letting us have you as our son, you're mommy's miracle (snuggle, snuggle, kiss, kiss)... p.s. I just cried typing that...oh!!!

Mandi said...

Oh Casey your going to make such a great little mommy! All this time you have had waiting on him. You can't even fathom what it will mean the first time you hold him. Oh it is amazing. I love the pic with his face and fist! Harris has one almost the exact same.

Amber Miskin said...

Have you thought of getting 3d pics? I have never done them but I've seen them and they are amazing! You can seriously see every detail, and pretty much know what they look like...I don't know if I actually would do them, because I like the mystery, but I thought I'd ask!

Jac said...

Casey he's so cute!!! I can't wait to see him when he gets here! :)

Katheryn said...

Can't wait for him to make his entrance into the world! His is going to be so cute.

Deanna said...

Hee hee... butterball turkey! I love, love, LOVE chubby babies (probably because I have them and was one)! It's just too bad that they don't give you ultrasound pics of their little bumcheeks (because you'll be kissing those too, if you are anything like me!)!!! I am so excited to meet your little man! What a wonderful thing to be so loved before you even draw breath! We love y'all!!!