Apr 23, 2009

2 more weeks!

Just realized today is Thursday. We're down to two weeks until we roll into Dr. Hyler's office and (crossing fingers) find out if we have a hot dog or a hamburger bun! In case you're wondering, yes we have names picked. I thought we had a preference, but really we just want a healthy baby. Either way, I'm ready to start planning! Blue or Pink?

Any thoughts??


Kim Jarvis said...

PINK! That's all I really know anything about! Plus, then she will have a bff girl cousin!
But, most of all, we agree with the whole healthy baby thing!

that1gamer2know said...

You know what I want!! But really what I want is a beautiful (How could this baby be anything but with you and Mark as parents), healthy and considerate (so you can sleep through the night) baby. I can't wait to kiss those cheeks and kiss the back of their neck. Blow on his/her belly and just love on this baby. I have waited SO LONG to be able to do all these things. Could the next 20 something weeks take any longer to get here???

Katheryn said...

I'm guessing BLUE! But mostly hoping and praying for a perfect little baby who sleeps good, eats good, and blesses your family with his/her every coo and every smile.

Erin said...

Nothing like a healthy baby, but in my humble opinion, I am thinking blue....

mrsarmogansclass said...

OHHHH...I'm SO excited!!! I can't wait to see if Chandani will have a little gal pal or boy bud :) Oh that makes me SOOOO happy to think about. We already know your baby will be sweet, LOVED and stinkin' cute and a Healthy Baby ...hotdog is my guess (LOL)

Kelly said...

Oh so FUN! I am Excited to hear!
I want to HELP with Cassie's shower. Will you let me know what I can do?... Cassie gave me your # but I can't find it so... I hope you look at this soon...?

Jessica Chalmers said...

ARE YOU FIVE MONTHS ALREADY???????????????? Holy smokes, Where did the time go? Let's say pink.

Michelle said...

I agree on a healthy baby being the most important...but, just for fun...i vote BLUE!! :) I loved having a boy first....however, little girls rock and are SO FUN to dress up! :) I can't wait to find out...i'm so happy for you and Mark!!